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6月24日,江津区委副书记、区长王赫青赴Wu Tan、朱洋、石门调研。他强调要把重点放在农业生产、农村生态和农民生活上。因地制宜,创造亮点,发展现代特色农业,建设生态美丽农村,实现农民增收。
For the next step of development, Wang Heqing pointed out that Wu Tan Zhen to further innovative concept of fine management, pay attention to the scale benefit, strengthen brand awareness, effectiveness in industry, experience in characteristics, the promotion of modern agricultural production, supply and marketing integration development, accelerate the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers' income ecological target. 朱洋以高起点、高标准建设,进一步扩大港口经济,发展农业,改善民生和福祉。石门市应充分利用其独特的自然和人文优势,进一步完善基础设施建设,建设与山水田园特色的农家特色,发展休闲观光农业,使更多更好的乡村旅游。同时也是镇镇建设管理、森林防火安全工作的要求。