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荆州是著名的中国杨梅,杨梅苗质量好,价格优,移栽成活率高,我要带杨美苗回到12月24日,十万株来自重庆,在绿苗管理陈元庆专程到荆州杨梅以绿化苗木North Pei地区,他在杨美苗郡充满信心。就连日本、荆州苗木市场也在火热中,从广东、重庆、贵州等地的经销商蜂拥而至,抢购杨梅苗木。
杨梅是四季中的常青树。这棵树的树冠圆而圆。更适合城市绿化。荆州自然生态良好的生态绿色的声誉,土壤和气候非常适宜杨梅育苗是中国杨梅之乡,这是一个划时代的产品,中国木洞杨梅。本县培育的绿化苗木品种优良,种植方便,生活方便,市场广阔。In recent years, the county's outstanding economic development characteristics, the construction work of the theme of happiness Jingzhou, according to local conditions, policy support, technology promotion, demonstration, vigorously develop the green seedlings of Myrica rubra industry. 有关部门已将杨梅苗木列入重点县工业建设项目清单。他们将木材生产计划纳入重点扶贫项目,并纳入涉农资金。加强与中国林业学会和国家农业部农村社会事业发展中心的合作,建设杨梅生态博物馆。县林业部门广泛宣传杨梅幼苗的生产效益,举办培训班,提高林农的种植技术,带领群众发展杨梅苗木产业,形成集聚效应和发展杨梅苗木产业。同时,为了保护苗木生产者的切身利益,县还通过发布信息、招商引资等方式扩大了销售渠道,解决了农民的后顾之忧。
At present, the county bayberry seedlings planted area of 7 acres, covering the town, the new factory on AO Town, Sun Ping Xiang and other seven towns (CMC), green seedlings per mu cultivated in 3000 strains of 2 to 3 cm seedlings or 25 strains of arbutus, according to the length of the diameter, the price from 15 yuan per plant seedlings to 2000 yuan, the county bayberry green seedlings output value has exceeded 300 million yuan, an average of 4 to 50 thousand yuan a year can bring the income for farmers. 现有的绿化苗木企业有7000多亩,其中有山花园公司和绿藤花园公司。The next step, the county will be based on farmers scattered planting, to actively guide and encourage the company scale cultivation, promote the company + farmer linkage development ideas; at the same time and scientific research institutes to strengthen cooperation and jointly promote the development of new varieties, planting level, built in one hundred thousand acres of the country's largest red bayberry green seedlings base in 2017.