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根据中央组织部、人力资源和社会保障部的统一部署,我部已接待了来自西藏新疆的14位西方学者和2名专门人才。10月30日下午,人力资源与劳动部在北京召开了2013届访问学者会,新疆西藏特殊教育学生欢迎我的学习,研究学者和学生得到鼓励。The meeting noted that the central organization and implementation of Western light visiting scholars, Xinjiang Tibet professional and technical personnel of special training plan, is to accelerate the development of agriculture and rural economy specific actions to promote the western region, is the effective measures to strengthen the construction of the western talent team, is a bridge connecting the agricultural scientific research national team and local team. 从2004起,我部培养了来自西部和少数民族地区的252名专业技术人员,学习和培训,培养了一批扎根于西方,致力于技术和质量的专业技术人才。会议要求各培训机构充分认识实施培训计划的重要性,进一步完善工作机制,加强管理服务,改善培训条件,确保各项任务的落实。所有参与者要尽快完成转变,适应新生活;求真务实,潜心学习;牢记使命,严格自律,争取成功,不辜负人们和组织的期望。Human resources and Social Security Bureau, the central organization department personnel department, professional and technical personnel management department of the Ministry of agriculture personnel and labor division, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other units of the comrades, light of the western scholars, Xinjiang Tibet special training and training students, teacher representatives attended the meeting.