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The news recently, the reporter from the Ministry of Agriculture veterinary bureau held veterinary prescription and non prescription management training was informed that in 2013, according to the Ministry of agriculture, two to two to ensure that the objectives and requirements of veterinary management departments at all levels shall perform their duties, strengthen supervision, pay close attention to veterinary supervision and law enforcement, to effectively combat the illegal behavior, to further improve the quality of veterinary drugs. 据统计,对2013, 15218批兽药进行了检测。合格率为93.2%,比2012(92.8%)提高0.4个百分点。
一是创新和完善制度,着力构建兽药监管长效机制。面对复杂的兽药监管形势,应努力创新和完善制度。进一步规范兽药市场体系,进一步提高监管效率。Ministry of Agriculture announced veterinary prescription and non prescription drugs, management measures veterinary prescription drugs directory (the first batch) and animal drug product specification template; local veterinary department to establish a veterinary drug quality and safety blacklist system, supervision and inspection system, focus on the supervision system and the use of Veterinary drugs quality management standard etc..
二是加强对兽药的监督和执法,严惩违法违规行为。在监管的关键环节和重点监管对象来看,与常规检查、飞行检查、检验、兽药市场整治和兽用抗菌药物专项整治为切入点,深入实施检打联动,打击非法兽药、造假售假取缔黑窝点。According to statistics, a total of around veterinary supervision and inspection of production enterprises, farms and animal clinics in 400 thousand, law enforcement officers dispatched 394 thousand passengers; investigated 4380 cases, of which 26 cases from all transferred to public security organs; revocation of veterinary drug production license 3, license 2806; banned unlicensed production and business enterprises (black dens) 3778.
三是不断加大残留监测力度,确保畜产品质量安全。全面实施兽药残留监测计划,开展兽药残留检测,提高抽样覆盖率,提高采样频率,跟踪阳性标本。进一步加强对兽药使用的监督,加强宣传和培训,增强责任主体的自律意识,提高文化安全用药水平。据统计,共检出兽药残留2013, 13917批,合格率为99.92%,保持了良好的发展势头。

In 2014, the Ministry of agriculture and local veterinary management departments will be the most stringent standards, the most stringent regulation, according to the most severe punishment, the most serious accountability requirements, ensure the masses' safety on the tongue ', closely around the two to ensure that the Ministry of agriculture to determine the objectives and tasks, increase the intensity of work the breakthrough, the key difficulty, improve work efficiency, to further improve the quality and safety of veterinary drugs, guarantee the quality and safety of animal products and public health and safety, and promote the healthy development of veterinary drug industry. 一是要注意兽药产品的标签和规范,进一步保证用药安全。二要重视对兽药的监督和执法,认真执行从重处罚公告,确保严格的调查和处罚,从重处罚,使违法者不能、不敢、不想实施兽药违法行为。三是积极推进兽药处方管理,规范兽药处方管理。四是继续加强兽药残留监测和抗菌药物监管,确保畜产品质量安全。五是进一步深化考试打联动,保持打击制售假冒兽药的压力。六是积极推进兽药跟踪体系建设,加强兽药产品流通全过程监管,进一步提高兽药质量监督质量和水平。