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二、加倍处罚,严格分类考核。2014年度,全县预算为600万元,用于粮食生产评比奖、奖励重点扩大和重点苗稻粮生产计划实施、先进先进乡镇、大粮食产量示范片、优良品种。同时,调动积极性,增强乡镇抓食品创先争优的氛围,让传统的先进乡镇的压力和动力,让食品生产相对薄弱的乡镇脱颖而出,县政府和乡镇的耕地面积,根据地形地貌、生态特点、种植基地将分乡镇的一、二、三种分类考核目标任务的类型、各种竞赛的粮食生产,分别排名1, 2的乡镇,3, 10, 7,分别奖励4万元,并在县政府,在一个综合1000各自的评估体系建设全面小康社会的乡镇每种类型50, 48, 46个,排名倒数第一乡镇,在全县乡镇预算中5, 3个,扣除1万元,在全县综合评价分值为20, 18镇和16分。对以往的奖励要由乡镇承担主要责任,分管具体工作情况纳入工作抓抓,乡镇政府重点落实乡镇政府工作情况,进一步落实领导干部责任制。

三,转变大家庭发展方式。The grain production efficiency is low, the relative lack of rural labor situation, this year, the county government focus on changing the mode of growth and transformation of the mode of operation, and vigorously promote and guide the legal transfer of land, and will have the ability to encourage business farming experts bold contracting land, efforts to expand the scale of operation, improve the efficiency of grain. According to statistics, there are more than 100 acres of farm households and 376 households in the whole county, which has increased 302 households over the previous year, and contracted 119013 acres of paddy fields, an increase of 92649 Mu compared with the previous year, and a double cropping of early rice 95000 mu, an increase of 76689 Mu compared with the previous year. 如冬塔乡赵沈阳养殖大户去年承包了200亩水田,今年在村干部的支持下,承包了670亩水田插秧机2台,新购置1套旋耕机、水稻种植650亩,所有的杂交早稻品种,全部采用水稻机械化生产,不仅要扩大种植规模,更导致了大村的发展,促进质量和粮食生产效率的扩张。
四,强化服务,突出科技效率。为了提高粮食的县,农业,农业,金融管理的效率,联合组织的科技下乡活动,家庭政策,促进粮食生产的政策,农民的土地政策,向农民宣传、农业技术、农业管理,对于促进粮食户技术培训农业机械效率。科学技术。At the same time, focus on 5 acres, 10 5000 acres of rice yield demonstrative construction, and vigorously promote the seed, seedling, rice machine ploughing, the specialized anti rule technology, solves the problem of farmers difficult technology in place, the labor shortage, the county reached 100% early rice varieties, complete rice seedlings concentrated area 115 thousand and 500 acres of rice transplanting area of 55 thousand acres, a pest Commission ruled against an area of 98 thousand acres. 农民,特别是大家庭和合作社,为了怕栽,想种田地,增加粮食的积极性,促进了早稻面积的迅速增长。