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老师,我还是不明白这个问题的种植结构。Yang Tongcai, a big grain farmer in Guanghan, stopped the instructor who was going out of the classroom.
The morning of September 9th, my first new occupation farmer training class at the provincial agricultural school officially opened, the first from Guanghan, Chongzhou, 80 students accepted the theory training for a period of 5 days, including agricultural policy, agricultural production and management, the quality and safety of agricultural products and agricultural technical note. 讲师来自省农业厅和四川农业大学等单位。理论学习结束后,所有学生都会跟随有关专家到各地的家庭农场进行为期9天的实习。
省农业厅表示,举办培训班是提高农民素质、探索和培养新的专业农民的主要途径之一。今年,我省着力探索培育新型农民的新模式和新途径。我们确定了40个试点县,预计将投入70000000元左右,扩大到大型粮食生产者的核心,突出种植者的管理水平和远景,改善种植技术。预计全年将有21万名农民接受培训。(王成东,《四川日报》记者Xu Jing)