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The Ministry of agriculture planting management Secretary Ceng Yande attended the meeting, asked the national planting system in a pragmatic style, enhance the development level of high-quality agricultural products, focus on seedling breeding, focusing on the development of high-quality agricultural products, aimed at the market demand, combined with the implementation of a new round of engineering, breeding a number of varieties, with standardized production the requirements of high quality seedlings; to strengthen quality supervision, the implementation of quality supervision of the entire process, the good of each link, ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products, especially to strengthen the supervision of the production pr过程和发行后;抓规划引导,对园艺作物的三改进行动的重点,充分发挥在优质农产品发展园艺作物的优势,针对存在的问题,以稳定水果、茶叶面积的前提下,改良品种,提高质量,品牌建设是关键的优势,深入实施区域规划,促进园艺产品的质量和效率,产业升级,增加农民收入;抓品牌推广,农发行去年第一次新的全国知名农产品目录部,是优质农产品开发工作在一起,对农产品质量的高门槛的代表,食品安全是具体的;对农产品质量安全标志是打破虚假宣传的光环,同时优质农产品的信息披露,今后要继续关注目录发布和应用。
优质农产品开发服务中心主任张华蓉表示,将牢牢把握优质农产品开发的战略机遇,优质农产品的科学规划和发展,解放思想,努力创新;总结经验,探索工作的有效途径;完善加强工作机制;加强宣传,在努力扩大影响。This year the focus on national Mingteyouxin agricultural products catalog and use to create the file; brand exhibition, solid build quality agricultural products production and marketing services platform, ready for the 2014 Chinese Tea Expo and the eighth national famous fruit fair; promote farming products standardized production, planting to the revision of product standards, promote traceability the pilot system construction, good planting pollution-free product certification of professional accreditation, promotion of good agricultural practices certification.